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写一篇英语作文 6月5日为世界环保日,雅玛人语言2012将是世界末日,虽然次语言无法兑现.
6月5日为世界环保日,玛雅人语言2012将是世界末日,虽然次语言无法兑现,但是我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染越来越严重...应X网站邀请,向我校学生征稿,呼吁社会重视环境,假如你是学生joke要求建明距离现有的环境问题2,呼吁社会重视环境保护3阐述自己的观点 玛雅人——Mamy 预言——Prophecy 世界保护日——World Environment Day
Protect the earth, cherish the earth
June 5, for World Environment/Mamy Prophecy 2012 will be the end of the World, though time language can't cash, but our Environment is becoming worse and worse, and pollution is more and more serious
Every time I see the blue before sphere, will want to: our earth so cute, but also very easily broken. Do not know from when, wake up in the morning, rarely hear sound pleasing of twitter, also saw little bird flying in the air. Maybe now, is someone in primitive forest cut down trees, is someone in catching animals... ... Thought of here, my heart couldn't help very pain is pain.
I believe that we have around a lot of people are in for protecting the earth and try hard. Once I saw on TV, an industrious and of the old farmer led his whole family went up into the mountain plant trees, the spirit of dedication for green power, are not worth us to learn? See here, I couldn't help thinking of, by "from cutting trees down labor model" to "trees hero" MaYongShun grandpa, they plant trees on the whole family in the barren hills of more than 50000 tree, let us Everest!
There is only one earth; And the earth is facing serious environmental crisis. In the life with turn off a lamp, do not waste electricity; Close the faucet in time, water saving, don't let the earth up the last drop of water is our human tears; See trash active bent down to pick up, and don't considered, see not, and keep the environment clean; Drive less, sit on public transport, green travel, reduce air pollution, let our day more blue. These things may be in your casual between, but over the long haul harm more and more big.
"Save the earth" has become the world's most powerful people's voice. I around for the deterioration of the environment and feel grieved, I think: as the new century a pupil, if don't know the human environment of the seriousness of this problem, not to strengthen the consciousness of environmental protection, the determination to perform the obligation to protect the environment, then our lives will be destroyed in his hands, and god will make severe punishment. For this I am determined to start from me good care environment, to protect this live home, do a guard to protect the environment.
In life, I hope to have a kind of environmental protection police, when finding the way someone spitting, use plastic bags, not environmental protection, were to stop, reminds, the second a fine. Check periodically restaurant have a person with disposable tableware, and so on. But, with the effect of legal constraints must not the best, only the truly sincerity to just go. So the community may be held a week environmental contest, each family in the form of pictures record their own family life and handed in environmental protection. Judge the most environmental protection family concurrent small prizes. If everyone can attain low carbon, that global warming will no longer, animal and human life must also will be getting better and better, more carefree. Air will become pure and fresh, cherish animals also won't die, bird songs also heard of many.
"Protect the earth!" Listen, the earth mother to tell us in; "Care for the earth!"! Listen, the earth mother to us in calling for. It is up to us to build our beautiful home!
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