早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享





1. 早上7: 00出发,步行至最近的公交站,7: 10 到达;

2. 乘7路公交车去地铁站,花大约40分钟的时间;

3. 乘地铁去另一个车站,花大约20分钟的时间;

4. 乘20路公交车到飞机场。



1. 早上7: 00出发,步行至最近的公交站,7: 10 到达;

2. 乘7路公交车去地铁站,花大约40分钟的时间;

3. 乘地铁去另一个车站,花大约20分钟的时间;

4. 乘20路公交车到飞机场。



1. 早上7: 00出发,步行至最近的公交站,7: 10 到达;

2. 乘7路公交车去地铁站,花大约40分钟的时间;

3. 乘地铁去另一个车站,花大约20分钟的时间;

4. 乘20路公交车到飞机场。


  One possible version: Darning would like to travel to London for National Day.

First he will walk to the nearest bus stop at 7 o'clock in the morning. It will take him ten minuies to get there. Then he will take No. 7 bus to the subway station. It will take him about forty minutes. After that he will take the subway to an?other bus stop. And this will take him about twenty minutes. And No. 20 bus will take Darning to the airport.

How interesting his journey will be!

  One possible version: Darning would like to travel to London for National Day.

  One possible version: Darning would like to travel to London for National Day.

First he will walk to the nearest bus stop at 7 o'clock in the morning. It will take him ten minuies to get there. Then he will take No. 7 bus to the subway station. It will take him about forty minutes. After that he will take the subway to an?other bus stop. And this will take him about twenty minutes. And No. 20 bus will take Darning to the airport.

First he will walk to the nearest bus stop at 7 o'clock in the morning. It will take him ten minuies to get there. Then he will take No. 7 bus to the subway station. It will take him about forty minutes. After that he will take the subway to an?other bus stop. And this will take him about twenty minutes. And No. 20 bus will take Darning to the airport.

How interesting his journey will be!

How interesting his journey will be!
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