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书面表达。        设想一下,将来你会成为一名什么?如果成为一名教师,律师,运动员……,你觉得有何好处和坏处?工作环境怎样?请根据提示写一篇60-80左右的英语短文。
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 书面表达。 书面表达。        设想一下,将来你会成为一名什么?如果成为一名教师,律师,运动员……,你觉得有何好处和坏处?工作环境怎样?请根据提示写一篇60-80左右的英语短文。
__________________________________________________________________________________________        设想一下,将来你会成为一名什么?如果成为一名教师,律师,运动员……,你觉得有何好处和坏处?工作环境怎样?请根据提示写一篇60-80左右的英语短文。

One possible version
      Maybe I will become an actor. If I become an actor, I will star many movies and TV plays. I will work
with many people. If I act TV plays or movies well, I will be very famous and will be able to make a lot of
money. Many young people watch me all the time. I will buy a big house in Beijing or Jinan and ask my parents
to live with me together. I will also give some money to schools in poor areas and charities. If I do these things,
I think I will live happily.
One possible version
      Maybe I will become an actor. If I become an actor, I will star many movies and TV plays. I will work
with many people. If I act TV plays or movies well, I will be very famous and will be able to make a lot of
money. Many young people watch me all the time. I will buy a big house in Beijing or Jinan and ask my parents
to live with me together. I will also give some money to schools in poor areas and charities. If I do these things,
I think I will live happily. One possible version
      Maybe I will become an actor. If I become an actor, I will star many movies and TV plays. I will work
with many people. If I act TV plays or movies well, I will be very famous and will be able to make a lot of
money. Many young people watch me all the time. I will buy a big house in Beijing or Jinan and ask my parents
to live with me together. I will also give some money to schools in poor areas and charities. If I do these things,
I think I will live happily. One possible version
      Maybe I will become an actor. If I become an actor, I will star many movies and TV plays. I will work
with many people. If I act TV plays or movies well, I will be very famous and will be able to make a lot of
money. Many young people watch me all the time. I will buy a big house in Beijing or Jinan and ask my parents
to live with me together. I will also give some money to schools in poor areas and charities. If I do these things,
I think I will live happily. One possible version
      Maybe I will become an actor. If I become an actor, I will star many movies and TV plays. I will work
with many people. If I act TV plays or movies well, I will be very famous and will be able to make a lot of
money. Many young people watch me all the time. I will buy a big house in Beijing or Jinan and ask my parents
to live with me together. I will also give some money to schools in poor areas and charities. If I do these things,
I think I will live happily.
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