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假如你是八年级学生露露,周末你和同学们一起到动物园做义务导游.请根 据以下提示,向游客介绍这座有趣的动物园.
开头是Hello,everyone!I’m your guide LuLu.Now we are at the gate of the zoo

Hello, everyone! I’m your guide LuLu. Now we are at the gate of the zoo , there is a map beside the gate , we can see all the places of the zoo clearly . I would like to give a brief introduction aobut this zoo and I hope you will have a nice day here.
The environment in this zoo is very clean , tidy and beautiful and we can see many different kinds of flowers and tall trees. If you walk straight , you will see a lot of animals such as tigers , lions , giraffs , elephants , dolphins and so on , they are all wild animals and you had better do not get too close to them , it is dangerous. After visiting all the places and animals ,we will see a performance . The players are those animals and I hope you will enjoy yourselves then . We will meet at the gate of the zoo three hours later, so please keep an eye on your watches. Finally , don't loose your way , if you are lost , please contect me or call the police directely .
That's all , I hope you have a good time here!

(PS: 自己写的, 希望对您有帮助! 满意请采纳! 不懂的请追问, 谢谢.)
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