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阿姆斯特丹运河 阿姆斯特丹河道上泊有两千多家“船屋”,虽然是船屋但设施齐全.乘玻璃船游览阿姆斯特丹才能真正体会水城的独特韵味.游船穿行在著名的河道间,河道两旁是典型的荷兰传统民居建筑.阿姆斯特丹运河上的400多座桥梁勾画出运河最美丽的曲线,河水在阳光的照耀下闪闪发亮,在河中泛舟,细数河岸两旁的古老建筑和远处的风车,别有一番韵味.
The famous water town Venice is the best-known city of Italy,as well as the most romantic travel destinations in the world.The St.Mark Square is located in the center of the city with famous cathedrals around it.If you are a cultural amateur,Venice has the most beautiful masterpiece,and countless churches,museums and palaces that deserve you to visit; if you pursue romantic,you can visit it in a flat boat,please take much money with you,however.You’d better don’t go there in summer for the reason that there are so many tourists there at that time.
Amsterdam Canal
There are more than two thousand boat houses with full facilities mooring in the watercourse of Amsterdam.Only visit it on a glass boat you can realize its unique lasting appeal.Passing through the famous watercourse on the pleasure-boat,you can see typical Holland traditional residential buildings.More than 400 bridges of the canal sketch its most beautiful curve,under which is the glittering water with the sun shining.Rafting in the river,counting the ancient architectures and the distant windmills,you will feel the uniquelingering charm.
看了 英语翻译威尼斯著名的水城威尼...的网友还看了以下:

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