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我已经详细地阅读了公司的招聘信息,对烟草制品上,再造烟叶,烟用香精的知识做了一些学习,重点学习了一系列的烟用香精行业质量检测标准( YC / T 145.1到YC / T 145.10和GB / T 8449 ,GB / T 8450 ,GB / T 14454.14等).标准中的一些检测方法在大学期间有过接触,并做了相应的实验.我相信我能很快适应这个岗位.
After I graduated from the college,I had always been working for Muyang(JiangSu) Co.,Ltd.During the Period,I independently finished process design for 7 rice mills.In the work,I was good at discovering problems and sum up experience.I mentioned some Suggestions to the leaders and the colleagues and got the adoption of the suggestions from the leadership and colleagues.Work over the past two years,my work was recognized by leader andcolleagues.After full consideration of personal and family reasons I decided back to YuXi developing.And decided to ride alone to home,temper oneself and broaden my horizons.
I have detailedly readrecruitment information of the company other raw materials technician,on tobacco products,reconstituted tobacco,tobacco flavors knowledge do some learning,focusing on learning a series of tobacco flavors industry qualitytesting standard (YC/T 145.1 to YC/T145.10 and GB/T 8449; GB/T 8450; GB/T 14454.14 etc.) Some detection methods inthe standard were contacted during college and did the correspondingexperimental.I believe I can quickly adapt < Other raw materials technician> this post.
I have been working for Muyang (JiangSu) Co., Ltd. since I graduated from college. During my employment, I have completed the production engineering design for seven rice processing plants all by myself. My work experience has enhanced my analytical and problem solving skills. At Muyang, under the guidance of my superiors, I have made constructive recommendations to improve my job performance and these recommendations were well received and proven to be effective.
I have been away from my family and my hometown YuXi for quite some time. I have decided to come home to further my career, as part of my personal growth.
I have persued the company's recruitment notice for the position of "Other Materials Technician" and furnished myself with some product knowledge of tobacco production, including the process of tobacco production, reconstituted tobacco and tobacco flavorings. Previously, I have learned about the quality testing standard in flavorings employed by tobacco production industry (YC/T 145.1 to YC/T145.10 and GB/T 8449; GB/T 8450; GB/T 14454.14 etc.) and I have studied some of these test methods and standards during college and did some of the corresponding experiments. I trust that my qualifications meet the requirements for this position.
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