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根据上下文及首字母,完成对话. 要答案,要正确的.对的话可以加分.急~急~急
elen: Hello! You don’t look very well. What’s w_______________ with you?
Su Yang: I’ve got a fever now.
Helen: I’m sorry to h___________ that. I think you must go home and have a good r____________.
Su Yang: But I’m on d____________ today. I have to be in the office.
Helen: Are you taking any m__________________?
Su Yang: Yes, a lot. Every winter I have a bad cold and I don’t like the s_________.
Helen: But I enjoy winter very much because I can s__________ on the real ice.
Su Yang: You are healthier than me. I think I must do more e______________.
elen: Hello! You don’t look very well. What’s (wrong) with you?
Su Yang: I’ve got a fever now.
Helen: I’m sorry to (hear) that. I think you must go home and have a good (rest).
Su Yang: But I’m on (duty) today. I have to be in the office.
Helen: Are you taking any (medicine)?
Su Yang: Yes, a lot. Every winter I have a bad cold and I don’t like the (season).
Helen: But I enjoy winter very much because I can (skate )on the real ice.
Su Yang: You are healthier than me. I think I must do more (exercise).
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