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Famous gymnast in division horse together
Born in 1961 on 12 November.
6 years old began to gymnastics training.11 won national championships.
Within the division horse's in the 1975 European championship in 1975 to 13 years old infant more than older 10 beat world champion Ludmilia Turischeva Europe's most young all-around champion set a record.
In 76,the horse's first 1 points table 1976 electronic computing in the 21 of the Montreal games on July 18,only 14 years old in the division horse's prescribed moves in on the first in the history of the Olympic Games is very full marks.At the time,the computerized electronic calculate table,because can only record the highest score 9.90 three digital score,so division horse's very full marks in only 1.00 points instead of 10.00 points.
Within the division horse's difficult to our country (Comaneci Salto),connection movements and later with her name XiaFa (Comaneci Dismount) won seven full
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