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哪位帮忙翻译一下? 浅析末位淘汰制在企业管理中的作用.

There is still some:the bottom-out system,also known as out at the end of the system,is a performance appraisal system is a system of reward and punishment of responsible management,is said to the United States from General Electric,based on Welch's " Forced out of the theoretical curve "and" theory of the tiger." As a management system,out of the bottom part of the system in our industry which has been used to make the industry a real person who was not up to standard out,a small number of outstanding people therefore come to the fore.There is no denying that the bottom-out system has its positive role in the mobilization of workers,such as working enthusiasm and the streamlining of agencies and so on; on the other hand,the bottom-out and negative,if there is suspicion of illegal and undermined the dignity of the human person,too cruel,and so on .This article attempts to a more comprehensive look at the bottom out of the system and the system of views on the way out.