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下面是一位同学在学校论坛上发的帖子。假设你是Mary, 请根据他的这三个问题给出你的建议。开头已给出,字数:70词左右 。
Dear friend, 
What a terrible day today ! This morning I was late for school again and my teacher was very angry with me. Then I found I left my math book at home. Because I played computer games too late last night, I fell asleep in class this afternoon. I didn’t hear what the teacher said. I didn’t know how to do my homework. I really don’t know what to do. Could you please give me some advice?
Looking for help
参考词汇:make mistakes, say sorry to... ;  get...ready ;   listen carefully in class;                     spend more time on...;help...with..
Dear looking for help ,
Here is some advice for you .
下面是一位同学在学校论坛上发的帖子。假设你是Mary, 请根据他的这三个问题给出你的建议。开头已给出,字数:70词左右 。
Dear friend, 
What a terrible day today ! This morning I was late for school again and my teacher was very angry with me. Then I found I left my math book at home. Because I played computer games too late last night, I fell asleep in class this afternoon. I didn’t hear what the teacher said. I didn’t know how to do my homework. I really don’t know what to do. Could you please give me some advice?
Looking for help
参考词汇:make mistakes, say sorry to... ;  get...ready ;   listen carefully in class;                     spend more time on...;help...with..
Dear looking for help ,
Here is some advice for you .
下面是一位同学在学校论坛上发的帖子。假设你是Mary, 请根据他的这三个问题给出你的建议。开头已给出,字数:70词左右 。
Dear friend, 
What a terrible day today ! This morning I was late for school again and my teacher was very angry with me. Then I found I left my math book at home. Because I played computer games too late last night, I fell asleep in class this afternoon. I didn’t hear what the teacher said. I didn’t know how to do my homework. I really don’t know what to do. Could you please give me some advice?
Looking for help
参考词汇:make mistakes, say sorry to... ;  get...ready ;   listen carefully in class;                     spend more time on...;help...with..
Dear looking for help ,
Here is some advice for you .
下面是一位同学在学校论坛上发的帖子。假设你是Mary, 请根据他的这三个问题给出你的建议。开头已给出,字数:70词左右 。
Dear friend, 
What a terrible day today ! This morning I was late for school again and my teacher was very angry with me. Then I found I left my math book at home. Because I played computer games too late last night, I fell asleep in class this afternoon. I didn’t hear what the teacher said. I didn’t know how to do my homework. I really don’t know what to do. Could you please give me some advice?
Looking for help
参考词汇:make mistakes, say sorry to... ;  get...ready ;   listen carefully in class;                     spend more time on...;help...with..
Dear looking for help ,
Here is some advice for you .
下面是一位同学在学校论坛上发的帖子。假设你是Mary, 请根据他的这三个问题给出你的建议。开头已给出,字数:70词左右 。
Dear friend, 
What a terrible day today ! This morning I was late for school again and my teacher was very angry with me. Then I found I left my math book at home. Because I played computer games too late last night, I fell asleep in class this afternoon. I didn’t hear what the teacher said. I didn’t know how to do my homework. I really don’t know what to do. Could you please give me some advice?
Looking for help
参考词汇:make mistakes, say sorry to... ;  get...ready ;   listen carefully in class;                     spend more time on...;help...with..
Dear looking for help ,
Here is some advice for you .
下面是一位同学在学校论坛上发的帖子。假设你是Mary, 请根据他的这三个问题给出你的建议。开头已给出,字数:70词左右 。
Dear friend, 
What a terrible day today ! This morning I was late for school again and my teacher was very angry with me. Then I found I left my math book at home. Because I played computer games too late last night, I fell asleep in class this afternoon. I didn’t hear what the teacher said. I didn’t know how to do my homework. I really don’t know what to do. Could you please give me some advice?
Looking for help
参考词汇:make mistakes, say sorry to... ;  get...ready ;   listen carefully in class;                     spend more time on...;help...with..
Dear looking for help ,
Here is some advice for you .


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