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Nowadays,people's living standard,the pursuit of gradually improve brand is becoming more and more intense desire.
From consumer psychology,which reflects the people "vulnerable" suggests.Now,all kinds of famous brand advertising for consumers,people in wanton accept external cues.Virtually And the external hinted into auto-suggestion,and that no matter which kind of commodity,as long as the brand trademark,with good things.
Secondly,the famous brand of consumer also satisfy the people recognized and approved by the external self demand.As long as a day to eat brand,brand,equivalent to wear to others who declared:"I am rich have status,you must respect me," then,feel oneself is recognized as such as valuable imagination.When people get from famous consumption psychology,the significance of brand identity is not just physical consumption,and additional social significance,Eat famous brand is not just wear material comforts,is the symbol of status and social status.In order to meet the people even use counterfeit,also feel status has improved.
In addition,the famous consumer also reflects the "design".Conformity is people in the surrounding environment,the influence of others are more likely to make as many people as behavior.If someone wants naysayers,this person will easily be isolated in the pressure,he will tend to imitate others,in order to get the behavior of belonging.
We should correctly understand the significance of famous brand,it gives people a positive side.For example,his success,the use of advanced technology,market development,etc.
Only such famous-brand products to consumers and harmony.To build good consumption environment.
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