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4.既然你要离开公司了,你要在本周内算清账目.(straighten out)
5.为了及时完成他的博士论文,他经常熬夜.(stay up)
8.他实在太普通了,在人群中不会被挑选出来.(pick out)
1.My direct supervisor is a typical workaholic who works 10 hours a day all year round.
2.The headmaster lays much emphasis on extracurricular activities.He thinks that extracurricular activities are benificial to cultivate the students' interests in the world out of the classroom.
3.He always takes a quick shower ,grabs a sandwich and hurries to work by taxi on Monday morning.
4.Since you are going to leave the company,you have to straighten out the accounts in a week.
5.He usually stays up in order to finish his doctoral dissertation in time.
6.Nothing can replace the earnest love from the bottom of the heart.
7.He is considered the natural person to fill the position of the president because he has been an outstanding vice president for nearly 10 years.
8.He is so ordinary that he cannot be picked out from the crowd.
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