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Capital is the company's legal system the most important system,which the company is the basis of legal personality.My old "Company Law" is the most stringent statutory capital system.This system has many drawbacks,for example,the system does not effectively protect the interests of creditors,raise the threshold for the establishment of companies and cost.Investor types narrow,low proportion of intangible assets and other investors.Therefore,in consideration of China's national conditions for the conduct of the "Company Law" to the changes under the new "Company Law" China has adopted a compromise is authorized capital system to determine capital,capital and capital maintenance of the same principles to be flexible.However,a person with limited liability companies and stakes in the establishment of the Company will continue with the statutory capital system with a total registered capital paid-up capital must be consistent in the statute must make clear that the total capital,considered by all shareholders full glory,or else the company does not tenable,the existence of the company must maintain capital corresponding to the total registered capital.China's new "Company Law" also confirmed the statutory minimum registered capital of principle
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1915年北洋政府颁布《权度(指度量衡制度法)》,规定“权度以万国权度公会所制定铂铱公尺、公斤原器为  2020-11-01 …

1915年北洋政府颁布《权度(指度量衡制度)法》规定“权度以万国权度公会所制定铂铱公尺、公斤原器为标  2020-12-20 …

1915年,北洋政府颁布《权度(指度量衡制度)法》,规定“权度以万国权度公会所制定铂铱公尺、公斤原器  2020-12-20 …

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