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动物个头越大,疾跑时速度越快?3月20日发表于《生理学和动物生化》(Physiological and Biochemical Zoology)的 研究 报告显示,事实并不总是这样,并阐明了原因.
美国哈佛大学的克里蒙特(Christofer J.Clemente)和他的团队为了研究物种内和物种间是否都有同样现象的存在,选择了巨蜥类作为观测对象.成年巨蜥在个体上相差甚大,是测验个头大小影响速度的理想物种.研究人员选取2到12磅(约0.91至5.44千克)重不等的巨蜥,在它们全速冲刺45英尺(约13.7米)长距离时计时,为拍照记录.最后发现,中型蜥蜴是最快的,并发现了其中的原因.
The larger the animal,the faster it runs?A report published on March the 20th in shows that is not always the case,and illustrates the reasons.
Normally,large animals run faster than small animals because they have longer legs.But this is only true to an extent.The fastest animal on land is neither the largest nor the smallest,but something in between.Just think of the sizes of elephants,mice and cheetahs.
To figure out if the same rule applies to individiduals within a species as well as between species,Harvard's Christofer clemente and his team choose lizards (到底是哪种巨蜥没说么?)as observation targets.Adult lizards vary in size,which makes them the ideal species for a research on how an animal's size affects its speed.Researches choose lizards weighted 2 to 12 pounds,and measured the time they took to run 45 feet at full speed.They found medium sized lizards were the fastest and also the reason for that outcome.
Using fast speed cameras?and markers?on the joints of the lizards,researchers constructed models to compare the paces of different sized lizards.
Then,researchers investigated the relationship between the animal's size and their pace,and found the change in pace consistent with the change in speed.(默默表示这句话没看明白,比较的到底是大小和步伐还是速度和步伐?)Lizards larger than a certain size have more difficulty supporting their bodyweight with their bones and muscles,and have to adjust their running postures accordingly.
Carrying out this experiment within a single species is more advantageous compared to using multiple species because there are less sources of error.The research shows that the size of a large animal brings biophysical restrictions which causes it to run slower.
Bigger lizards can support their bodies with their legs and have to change the way they run,which slows down their speed,says Clemente.
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