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请帮忙指点一下 下面的BEC 中级 作文符合规定格式吗 还有语言怎么样?等等一些问题.谢谢
要写一篇从两个出租车公司中 一个部门经理向他的上司建议应该用哪一家出租公司 作为他们接送客户 和员工用车的专用公司的 proposal.
Dear Mr. Tom,
As we need a taxi firm use on regular basis for staff and clients. as per the existing informations, the first firm have benn in this kind of business for 50 years, they have great experience, they have 200 driver to work for them and this can ensure us even if everyone of our company want to take taxi at the same time they can do it. and still they offer 24-hour service I think this is the most important part, cause we often have visitor from other contry in the evening , they also have a website that allows us to call in a taxi even if the phone is very busy.
and the second one with few experience they have just established the only offer
incity transport, which is what we needed. they do have a website.
according to all the informations of the two company I think the first company whose name is TELECARS suit us the most.
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