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  Lord Bao Memorial Temple is located in Baohe Park just southwest of the city center. It was initially built in 1066 in memory of Baozheng, a famous upright officer during the Northern Song Dynasty (960 - 1127).
  Lord Bao Memorial Temple is a typical ancient architectural complex with style imitating that of the Song Dynasty. Covering an area of one hectare, it mainly consists of Entrance Gate, the Second Gate, the Stele Pavilion, the Main Hall, the Second Hall and the east and west exhibition rooms.
  In the main hall, a bronze statue of Lord Bao, which is three meters in height and 2.5 tons in weight, is displayed. With his hat and waist
  band on, Baozheng sits upright. One of his hands placed on the chair with the other clenched.In the second hall, the historical materials and classic books about Lord Bao, the poems made by Lord Bao, monument inscription, and "Kaifeng Residence and Office monument inscription" are exhibited.
  The eastern and western halls, using some pictures and essays, show visitors many stories and tales about Lord Bao.
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