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地震产生的地震波可直接造成建筑物的破坏甚至倒塌;破坏地面,产生地面裂缝,塌陷等;发生在山区还可能引起山体滑坡,雪崩等;而发生在海底的强地震则可能引起海啸.余震会使破坏更加严重.地震引发的次生灾害主要有建筑物倒塌,山体滑坡以及管道破裂等引起的火灾,水灾和毒气泄漏等.此外当伤亡人员尸体不能及时清理,或污秽物污染了饮用水时,有可能导致传染病的爆发.在有些地震中,这些次生灾害造成的人员伤亡和财产损失可能超过地震带来的直接破坏. 地震是可以预防的
The direct disasters caused by earthquake are:
The destruction of buildings and structures, such as houses collapsed, Bridges, DAMS break fall cracking, rails deformation, etc.
Ground damage, such as ground fissures, collapse, water-jet emit sand, etc.
The destruction of mountain etc natural objects, such as landslide, landslide, etc.
Tsunamis, undersea earthquake generated huge waves driven ashore, causing the destruction of coastal areas.
Moreover, in some earthquake, and DeGuang burns zoonosis-borne phenomenon.
Earthquake directly after disasters, trigger a secondary disasters. Sometimes, secondary disasters caused casualties and losses, is greater than direct disasters. Great kanto earthquake in Japan in 1932, directly by earthquake collapsed homes only 10,000 blocks, and when the earthquake fire is burned 700,000 arena.
The earthquake caused secondary disasters are mainly,
The fire caused by earthquake fire control,
By the dam burst or floods, landslides congestion river caused,
Poison gas leaking, by building or device destruction caused by,
The plague, the earthquake live environment caused serious damage.A, completes the earthquake prediction.
Before the earthquake there is bodeful. Now we know this omens2 are: groundwater, turn a variable muddy flowers, bubble, stale, The chicken &duck pig sheep run monkey; Mice flight, fish in water disorderly jump. This adumbrative crust will bend, fold the wrinkle fracture, is about to happen earthquake. Currently the world any country can accurately forecast the earthquake, China's earthquake prediction can say is a world leading status. Most of the earthquake prediction that can point to an area in a certain period of time is likely to earthquakes. In 1976, before the tangshan earthquake, liaoning province haicheng area has happened above cet 6 earthquake, many times before imminent, the government urged the indoor all placed in earthquake tents, and repeatedly proclaiming know only, the result earthquake casualties reduced to the minimum. Therefore, the key to prevent earthquake prediction timely, preparation, and grasp the earthquake rescue knowledge.
Two, make family shockproof plan.
In the event of an earthquake, it is possible to make our power supply, water supply, heat supply system, traffic system, the necessities of life supply system, information system, and medical health system was a certain degree of damage, affect people's normal life, so, we should set up a family shockproof plan.
First to eliminate indoor high content, the cabinet, suspension gallows vertically items, change its put the position and the way to make the difficult seismic fall hurt. At the same time to remove all flammable and explosive substances. The bed should move to some place far away from the window. The window labeled anti-fog shatterproof strip. Shockproof appliance bag easily grab place. For out of danger. You may only grab an item of time, urgent things in it, it will help you overcome difficulties. These items include cash, drinking water, prevent flu and diarrhea medicines.
Three, schools should be done before the earthquake preparation.
In schools should popularize shockproof knowledge, the earthquake training school should have shock-proof scheme, and if taking lessons earthquake when, the teacher should immediately give students a simple instructions, lets the student in situ shutting fell on the desk. A region, in a certain period of time could during an earthquake. Family and school often should communicate. Earthquake conditional school should be prepared relief items, such as: emergency medical supplies, cold-resistant rainproof supplies, tools, and according to class or classroom distribution, until the individual hand.
If an earthquake happened how to protect myself?
Once the earthquake happened, if in the outside, must not near the building, chimney, such as any poles could collapse of tall buildings or trees, leaving the overpass Bridges, roads, to open field is more secure. Earthquakes are caused by population casualties though the scourge, but also is not prevented. If can seize the opportunity, using shockproof knowledge can preserve their like earthquake happened before observed birds, animals, abnormal restless, When the earthquake happened squat down below the table all can mitigate earthquake of the damage. Visible, learning earthquake knowledge is very important.
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