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这是我第一次写信给我的外国友人,希望能指出其中的一些错误和不足之处.Hi Drew,This is the first time I write a letter with English. Maybe I will make some grammar mistakes. I wish you can understand it.Last time I said a w

Hi Drew,
This is the first time I write a letter with English. Maybe I will make some grammar mistakes. I wish you can understand it.
Last time I said a wrong date. I'm sorry. Then I checked the calendar.I have free time on Saturday morning and Sunday morning.(March 17th or March 18th)
If you are free on that time ,I hope I can go bowling with your family.
Thanks a lot.
Your friend
Hi Drew,
This is my very first time to write a letter in English. If I make any grammar error please forgive me.
I need to apologize for making a mistake by saying a wrong date to you last time. I am really sorry for that. After checking the calender, I can now says that I am free on next weekend, either 17th or 18th March, morning time.
So, if you are free at that time, what says we go bowling together with your family?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Your sincerely,
看了 这是我第一次写信给我的外国友...的网友还看了以下: