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跪求外贸英语名词解释1.GNP 2.free trade 3.trade fair 4.trade surplus 5.absolute advantage 要英文的名词解释噢
1 GNP 国民生产总值(=Gross National Product)
2 free trade 自由贸易
3 trade fair 商品交易会
4 trade surplus 贸易顺差
5 absolute advantage 国际贸易中的绝对优势或绝对利益
1 Gross national product means final outcomes after primary distribution of incomes of resident offices and organizations in a certain nation and a certaion period.
2 Free trade is a kind of policy that the government takes no tariff,quota or other measures to interfere in international trading activities.
3 Trade fair is a kind of products exhibition and business negotiation.
4 Trade surplus means the total volumn of export trade of a certain contury surpasses its total volumn of import trade.It is a symbol indicating the country gets advantaged position in foreign trade.
5 Absolute advantage is an index comparing the producing capability with unit resource.If one country can produce more products with unit resource than another country,the former country has absolute advantage.