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帮忙改一下我的英语短文^-^thanks!主要是增强一下有些句子的连贯性,我是大一的,所以水平不要太高了 这是每单元前的lead—in 问了几个问题 ,我是一一回答的,所以感觉很不连贯I think nowdays many

主要是增强一下有些句子的连贯性,我是大一的,所以水平不要太高了 这是每单元前的lead—in 问了几个问题 ,我是一一回答的,所以感觉很不连贯
I think nowdays many
people feed pets because
they feel lonely.You know
the relationship is no
longer so strong in
contemporary society.Thus
many people feel lonely.I
love cats more than dogs
because I think dogs are
fearful but cats are
lovely.I think it is cruel
to keep pets inside an
apartment all day because
pets are active and
restless.They would not be
happy if they can not run
outdoor.Just think about
the prison,which prisoner likes to stay there?I think if it is not obey to eat meat,we shoud not eat vegetables either.Since both animals and plants have lifes.We eat them because we have to do this to keep us alive.So it is also okey to eat dog meat.We have to do this .If we don'eat dog meat,we eat pork instead.Can you say that dogs' lifes is more precious than pigs' just because dog is smarter and more lovely.No!
有一句打错了,应该是I think if it is not okey to eat meat,而不是obey
Can you say that dogs' lifes is more precious 里面的is改为are
改的isn't prisoners like to stay there?意思是不是反了 是不是应该是is prisoners like to stay there?
Nowdays many people feed pets because they feel lonely.You know the relationship is no longer sconsanguineous than past.That is why many people feel lonely.I love cats more than dogs,because I think dogs are fearful but cats are lovely.I think it is cruel to keep pets inside an apartment all day long because pets are active and restless.They would not be happy if they can not run outdoors.Just like the prison,isn't prisoners like to stay there?I think if it is not obey to eat meat,we shoud not eat vegetables either.Since both animals and plants have lifes.We eat them because we have to eat this to keep us alive.So it is also okey to eat dog meat.We have to do this .If we don't eat dog meat,we eat pork instead.Can you say that dogs' lifes is more precious than pigs' just because dog is smarter and more lovely.No!
看了 帮忙改一下我的英语短文^-^...的网友还看了以下:

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