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寻找英语作文 Clothes store
某人的姐姐开了一家服装店 有三层 她想让外国朋友了解一下她的服装店 发挥想象 帮她用英语介绍一下服装店 -
The store is very large,including three floors. In the first floor,there are various girl's clothes with different kind of models. They mainly can be classified into three styles,that is city, campus and casual. And men'suite were displayed in the second floor.There are a majoriy of clothes with high quality produced by world famous producers. You can wear them to turn up in the formal occasions ,which will make you a briliiant gentleman .In the second floor,we always sell some for-sale clothes when the season is going to change. It also attracts many customers. All in all, our store sells the most fashionable clothes with the best quality ,moreover,our price is resonable .
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