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"meaningful object "
明天就要 上台了..
Meaningful Object
The little English-Chinese dictionary looks quite torn.The red colour on the front cover has faded badly.The pages are wrinkled up and a few pages have come off.Yet,I will not trade it for the world!
I still remember it was a rainy day in our little village.Teacher Zhang was standing in front of our school holding an umbrella.He held it above my head so that I would not get wet.In school,I did not do well in English.Teacher Zhang told me to work hard and he gave me a little red English-Chinese dictionary.Day after day,he showed me how to find the meaning of words I did not know.Gradually,I became very interested in English.Not only was I able to read faster,my writing skills also became much improved.Afterwards,I left my village and went to the provincial capital to study high school.Even though Teacher Zhang and I no longer saw each other,we wrote letters to each other,mostly in English.Often,I had to consult the little red dictionary and each time,this brought tears to my eyes.I knew life was very hard in our village and I felt sorry I could not be near him to help him in his work.For some time now,Teacher Zhang did not write and I was unable to find out what happened to him.
By working hard all the time,I was fortunate enough to be admitted to university.I no longer need to consult my little red dictionary.Yet,it is the most precious thing in my life and I keep it beside my bed all the time.From time to time,I hold the little red dictionary in my hands and say a prayer for Teacher Zhang.
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