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英语作文 英语作文:1现在社会普遍存在着偶像崇拜现象 2对于偶像能否替代英雄,人们意见不一 3在我看来……(要求不少于120字)
哪位大哥帮我写一下,高分重谢!应该不难吧! 在线等
My view on idolatry
In our modern world, there exists a commmon phenomenon of wide idolatry. Different people may worship different idols, such as music, sporting, commercial or culture stars. They receive quite warm adoration to some extent.
But people hold various opinions on whether idols can take the place of heroes. Some say Ok thinking that idols can be identified with heroes while others think indeed we need heroes more than idols because heroes rather than idols do count and they are more needed in the world of reality.
In my opion, idols are also needed in our world, but of couree they can never replace heroes anyway.
Idols have their own good qualities, which we can learn from to inspire ourselves to achieve our own ideals. In this point, idols have quite a little positivity and that can push our world advance forward. For example, Bill Gates teaches us not only how to realize our inner desire, but he also shows us how charity contributes to social development.
But it doesn't mean that all idols show us their positive images. Just take Shalon Stone for instance. She told us aging was not a problem for seeking our dreams by playing roles in the silver screen again. But her silly view on Tibet and the Wenchuan Earthquake arose widespread criticism.
And heroes are always instructive. Furthermore, even a little kid can be our hero if he does something extraordinary. It's easier and more approachable to be a hero. If we do something in a right way, we might also become heroes in others' eyes.
In one word, we need idols and idolatry, but we can't follow them in every aspect. What we need in our hearts is heroes. As long as we work hard, we can also be heroes of ourselves at least.
So, maybe we can't be idols, heroes can be done with our own effort.
Just do it! That's what we must try to be a hero or even others' idol!
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