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英语翻译摘要 银饰 作为一种文化现象在 上曾被许多民族青睐,成为多元 文化 交流的载体之一.在这一载体中,融合有来自南方 少数民族 的 耳档 ,起源于北方少数民族的“跳脱”,以及从古代

银饰 作为一种文化现象在 上曾被许多民族青睐,成为多元 文化 交流的载体之一.在这一载体中,融合有来自南方 少数民族 的 耳档 ,起源于北方少数民族的“跳脱”,以及从古代饰物中沿袭而来的 “ 步摇 ”、“五兵佩”和中国传统的龙、凤、 鳞 纹样等等.进入苗族社会的银饰决不单纯表现为某个民族专有的艺术形态,而是一个不折不扣的混合体.苗族银饰可分头饰、 颈饰 、胸饰、手饰、盛装饰和童帽饰等,都是由苗族男性银铁匠精心做成,据说已有400多年历史.苗族银饰以其多样的品种、奇美的造型和精巧的工艺,不仅向人们呈现了一个瑰丽多彩的艺术世界,而且也展示出一个有着丰富内涵的精神世界.苗族银饰的种类较多,从头到脚,无处不饰.除头饰、胸颈饰、手饰、衣饰、背饰、腰坠饰外,个别地方还有脚饰.
关 键 词:苗族服饰 装饰物 文化内涵
Silver as a cultural phenomenon in the history of many ethnic groups have been favored to become the carrier of one of cultural pluralism.In this vector,the integration of ethnic minorities from the South ear file,the origin of ethnic minorities in the north,"beyond",as well as ornaments from the ancient times in the following from the "step-by-step shake" and "five soldiers wear" and the traditional Chinese dragon and phoenix,scale patterns and so on.Miao silverware into the community simply will not show for a national art form of proprietary,but a mixture of the letter.Miao silver headdress can be divided into,Silver,pectoral,ornaments,decoration and Tong Sheng Silverare Hmong men from well-made silver blacksmith,said to have 400 years of history.Miao silverware in its variety of species,Chi Mei and sophisticated modeling techniques,not only to show people a magnificent and colorful world of art,but also demonstrate the rich connotation of a spiritual world.More types of Miao Silver,from head to toe,decorated everywhere.In addition to head,chest Silver,jewelery,clothing,decorative back,waist Pendant,individual places are decorated feet.
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