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  It is essential for a bacterium to rely on chemotaxis motion in nature so as to obtain a favourable living environment.


  As a bacterium’s locomotive organs, the flagella are the prerequisite and foundation of its chemotaxis.


  The synthesis and assembly of its flagella are a regulating and controlling process for the ranking which is high ordered and power wasting as well, and the expression of each ranking gene requires multiple regulating and controlling factors, in which RpoN is the positive regulating and controlling to the expression of compositive genes.

  Regulon FleQ of a flagellum acts as an activation enhancer and cooperates with RpoN to regulate and control the transcription and expression of the flagellum gene.


  On the contrary, RpoS negatively regulates and controls the transcription and expression of the compositive genes of the flagellum, including σ factor FliA, and that the deletion of the RpoS genes results in a remarkable upward regulation of the transcription level for the flagella to compose correlative genes.


It is possible that expression, namely RpoS can negatively regulates and controls a good many flagella genes, is to be completed by major Regulon FleQ or σ factor FliA in flagella’s regulating and controlling, or resulted in this consequence that RpoS contends with other σ factors for a limited nuclear polymerase, which reveals that there is not any complicated intersecting regulation and control with σ factors in the process of the compound and chemotaxis of a bacterium’s flagella.
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