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For the provisions of the basic connotation of the fraud in defferent countries,Fraud refers to the destruction of the principle of autonomy and violates the principle of honesty and credibility,and its constitutive requirements include two essential conditions:
The first step is the formal requirement that interprets the behaviors of the breach of the principle of autonomy ; the later step is the substantive requirement that explicates the behaviors of the breach of honesty and credibility.
There does not exist the clear provisions of the elements of fraud legislation in China,four essential conditions commonly apply to the juridical practices,and they are not only the formal requirement,therefore,the principle of honesty and credibilityof this substantive element should be added to improve our legislation.
This text investigates the concept of fraud in the first place,and then introduces the constitutive fraud requirements of the domestic and foreign related doctrines and that of the legislative practices in our country,so as toanalyze the necessities of the introduction of the principle of honesty and credibility on this basis for the constitutive elements of domestic fraud.

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