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求一篇关于暑假计划英语作文要求如下 暑假即将来临 你班上的同学讨论了暑假计划 提出了不同的看法 请根据提示写一篇有关讨论的作文并谈谈你的看法 优点 缺点 呆在家中花费少方便 但

暑假即将来临 你班上的同学讨论了暑假计划 提出了不同的看法 请根据提示写一篇有关讨论的作文并谈谈你的看法 优点 缺点 呆在家中花费少方便 但不能亲身了解外界 出去旅游 增长知识开阔眼界花费多不方便
As the summer vacation is coming,our class made a discussion about its plan,and students had different ideas.
Some students prefer to stay at home.They believe it's convenient for them to do anything they want at anytime,and don't have to worry about what they eat and where they get sleeps for their parents will prepare everything ready.What's more,it won't cost much money for them to stay at home,and their payment is mainly connected with the electricity charges.However,they miss the good chance to get to know the outside world so that they are not able to broaden their field of view.
However,some other students would like to go outside for visits.They think that only in this way can they know more about the world,including the local customs and traditions,by the way,their horizon can be greatly broadened.But the disadvantage is that they have to pay more about the accommodation.
In my opinion,do some proper going out is good for our health and it can help us relax to better meet the new term.
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