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Education is to cultivate a new generation to engage in social life the entire process, also is the human society production experience to inherit and carry forward the key link, mainly refers to the school for school-age children, juvenile, youth training process. Broadly speaking, people who increase knowledge and skills, influence people's moral activities, is education. Special education mainly refers to the school education, the meaning of education according to certain social ( or class) requirements, purposeful, planned, organized to influence the education body and mind, to train them to become a society ( or class) are needed for human activities. The kind of education that have formal education, adult education, technology education, special education, lifelong education. Educational function refers to "education do" problems. The function of education can be divided into: individual development function and the social development. Education individual development function can be divided into educational function of individual socialization and the individual function two aspects. Social activities of the area include economic, political and cultural aspects, thus the education function of social development can be divided into the economic function of education, political and cultural function.
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