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一定要人工翻译啊!拜托各位了啊!谢谢谢谢哦! 文字如下: 英语是一门用来交际的语言。学生在学习过程中,通过听、说、读、写的训练,获得英语知识,学以致用。其中,“读”,就是训练学生准确、流利阅读英语的能力,而阅读理解则是考查学生语言运用能力的主要形式之一。自从标准化试题以来,该题型在历年高考中的比例就一直很大,如今,在中考中这一趋势也越来越明显。这类型有:根据短文判断正误;选择正确答案;给出几个词语要求从短文中找出它们的反义词或同义词等。其涉及到的内容也非常广泛,大到科普知识、人文地理、历史知识,小到小故事、小幽默,无所不有。由此可见,要想做好这类题,学生平时就要扩大课外阅读量,以求拥有扎实的阅读功底,另外,还要掌握正确的阅读方法来提高阅读能力。
English is a language for communication. Students in the learning process by listening, speaking, reading, writing and training, access to knowledge of English to apply what they have learned. Among them, "reading" is to train our students to accurate and fluent in English reading ability and reading comprehension test is the ability to use language students in the form of one of the principal. Since the standardized test, the questions over the years in the college entrance examination in the ratio has been great today, in the examination of this trend has become increasingly evident. This type: According to the essay is wrong to judge; to choose the correct answer; give a few words from the short find their synonyms or antonyms and so on. Its contents are also involved in a wide range of popular science knowledge to the great, human geography, history, the small stories of small, small humor, there is not nothing. This shows that such practice to do a good job, usually it is necessary to expand the student extra-curricular reading, in order to have a solid foundation in reading, and also have the right to increase reading ability to read.
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