早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


11. Due to the efforts of the project hope, thousands of children have better lives. 12. I have long time no read a good reading. 13. This book is very good, so that I have to keep this book for my library. 14. So far, we haven't found on Mars in the existence of life. 15. Life on earth for millions of years of history. 16. The planet without air, so people and other creatures can't survive. 17. Liu sanzi is a from hunan province a boy of eight of the village. 18. He drop out before a few years, because he had to look after his sick parents. 19. Her parents want her to drop out of it because he worked on the farm is very important. 20. They are very poor and can't afford to read books. 21. With the help of project hope, and they returned to campus. 22. In the past 15 years, the hope project through the fundraising for 2.5 million rural poverty students pay for tuition. 23. Millions of people at home and abroad and heard about the hope project and donated money, but that's not enough, there are still 40 million family flat trapped children need help. 24. Scientists have sent to Mars spacecraft. The spacecraft will fly a few months to get to Mars. More than ten thousand people attended 25.20 project hope.
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