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China is a major agricultural country. In recently decades, China is transforming towards an industrialized nation. In the mid to late phase of industrialization, stimulating sustainable economic development through urbanization and the urbanization of rural areas is a vital economic economic strategy. In recent year, China has been accelerating urbanization. Successful urbanization plays a pivotal role in sustainable and fast economic growth not only in that it turns farmers into urban residents so as to increase their income but also in that it is a critical means to solve "San Nong Problems" ( Agriculture, rural development and farmers). Successful urbanization can not do wihout financial support. However, there emerged a series of problems during years of implementation of financial support for urbanization. Those problems have serve impact on urbanization which should be addressed properly. Based on the status quo of urbanization in China as well as the gap between supply and demand of financial support such as financial support in agricultural industialization, fiancial support in urbanzation of rural areas and the demand and supply of financial support during the transformation from farmers to urban residents, the paper analyzes relevant problems and puts forward suggestion for the successful implementation of urbanization.
Key Words:Urbanization; Citizenization; Industrialization; Financial Support; "San Nong Problems" ( Agriculture, rural development and farmers)
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