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Apart from learning the curriculum English at school, I also attend the English corner every Saturday morning. This English corner was founded two years ago with many high school students taking part. As university students and foreigners sometimes come here as well, it has become a fantastic place for learning English in a more efficient and practical way. By communicating with contemporaries and experts in English, I get the opportunities to practice my oral English, share experience in learning English, and talking about things where we share the same interest.
Being a regular participant in the English corner now, I improved my English not only in the language itself, but also in terms of the culture of the language, which provides me with more understanding of what and how to learn. I'll certainly continue sticking to the corner every Saturday, hoping someday becoming an expert in English learning just like some of my "English-corner-friends".

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书籍是我们的好伙伴,在与书为伴的快乐时光里,你一定结识了不少良师益友,你能向同学们推荐一位这样的朋  2020-06-18 …

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英语新学期感受作文同学们上高中有一段时间了,新的学习环境和新的学习方式一定给你留下了深刻的印象,请  2020-07-07 …

关于笔友的高中水平英语作文假设你叫Bob,是北京的一名高中生,你的外教把美国学生Rose介绍给你做  2020-07-22 …

常言道:“坐顺风船时朋友认识你,走下坡路时你认识朋友。”当你得意的时候他不一定在你的身边;失意的时候  2020-11-23 …

英语作文.急.假如你是三中高一(2)学生李华,你的好朋友李强考上了另一所高中,请你给李强写一封信,描  2020-11-28 …

你决定向你的笔友susan写一封电子邮件告诉她你父母不允许你做以下事情,你很苦恼.1.不应该打洞2.  2020-12-02 …

(1/2)各位友友你们好!我是一名高中生,我想投稿,但还只是一个新手,请问一下高中生写的作文可以..  2020-12-30 …

请英语大神改下作文书面表达(满分25分)同学们上高中有一个多月的时间了,新的学习环境和新的学习方式一  2021-02-19 …