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请帮我修改我写的英文句子 请帮我修改语法或不对的地方
以下 是我写的东西 需要有会英语的帮我修改我的语法句子 如果不通顺的地方 请帮我修改!
It’s my first day for doing my internship,I feel a little bit nervous when I have to start working with children.During today’s internship,I pay a lot of attention to watch and observing every child’s
action and emotion.I play with them during most of the time,I clean the toy
for them.When the educator changes the diapers for them,I watch her clean
every child’s pee and poo.I observe children and educator’s routine.When I
finish today’s observation,I feel like I learn so much thing about how to take
care these children,especially for toddler age group.I feel so hard to become
an real educator,because they have to do almost everything for there kids.
This is my second week for doing my stages.When I came to see the children in the morning,they seems like don’t remember me at all,but it’s ok,I know they will get to know me in the future.
So for today’s internship,I did many things,I went to the park with children
and educator in the morning,I play with these kids and doing my observation as
well.After finish almost 1 hours outdoor play,we go back to the classroom,
because it was lunch time,so I help the educator to set up the table and chair
for children,and then I used wet napkin to clean every kids’ hands.After I
observe they finish eating,
We did the art activities for today,the educator take every child’s hands to do the finger printing.This is a very fun activity for them,as I can see,most of them are very interest and happy to
play finger printing,only few kids were not interest to play fingerprinting.
From today’ observation,I lean that every child have different interest,some of
children does like to play fingerprinting,some of them does not.We can not to
forces some of them to participate in the same activities,
I pay a lot of attention to watch and observing every child’s
action and emotion.最好改为:
I paid a lot of attention to watching and observing every child’s
action and emotion.
最后那个there kids 是什么?those kids or their kids?
第二篇 还是时态混乱
they seems like don’t remember me at all,主谓不一致,多个谓语动词并存,需改动
I play with these kids and doing my observation as
well.and连接两个谓语要并列啊,应该改为I played with these kids and did my observation as
because it was lunch time,so I help the educator to set up the table and chair
for children,because和so不能连用,去掉so
most of them are very interest and happy to
play finger printing,interest 应改为interested
every child have different interest,some of
children does like to play fingerprinting,some of them does not.
主谓不一致 :错误的主谓搭配:every child have;some of children does like ```自己修改吧
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