早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Illustration:1,who have personality,who also not born adapt to the social environment,like a river,the za is the beginning of stone,each have each shape,horns,body by water erosion,after a considerable period of time,the horn,thorn of all round the grinding.
2,bang:happiness is all cats love fish,meat,AoTeMan dogs love love dozen small monster.
3,grandma:if you can't change the results,it will improve process.
4,grandma:now to instill the social ideas too onefold,your success is capable of young people pursue money,fame,and give yourself with successful tags,waking ignores,which is typically only results.Actually,not all get the results to succeed,also did not result of failure,I lifetime experiences,success is hidden in the process,in the future,fun is not looking back into the final line,the result is to buy things,the gifts,bad also earn nothing!
5,bang:growing experience is to rely on ourselves,not the parents force infusion.If I don't load is recovered without experience.One day,my parents would fall or experience is very valuable,but only for reference.
6 and all the small:high,we not only to say,there is responsibility.
7 and LeiLei:she knows her childish,but don't let her childish,she will always naive.
Grandmother:8,mental and emotional,is the most difficult thing in life of a problem.The reason is covered with affection,the reason is naive and mature symbol is talking to them apart.Can use the perceptual to see problems,but must use reason to solve the problem.
9 and bang boyfriend:one is the worst?Is he doesn't like.More than most miserably,miserably is dry for life!
10,zhao wl:if mistakes are growing as costs,then correct is mature process.Only people who made mistakes,to know how to avoid any later,even so,also may never lose the chance to correct the wrong not,is like a thorn in my heart,an ever to hurt.

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