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Flood myth widely circulated around the world,is the original spiritual culture of mankind,the most primitive form of the system,but also the original ancestors of the arts and culture,ideas and beliefs reflected in the original.Through the flood myth of the West differences in the performance of the subjects,one can see the psychological differences between Chinese and Western cultures.As the ancient flood disasters of mankind have faced one disaster behind the refraction is different peoples in different cultures deal with the natural view of psychology,the attitude towards life,as well as personal values thinking.The myth reflects the psychology of different nationalities and ways of thinking,influence and implies that the national construction and social patterns of psychological development.
In this paper,with the Bible story,"Noah's Ark" and the ancient Chinese myth "Dayu flood control" as an example start comparison,is divided into two parts,each part has its own three small branches,try from a different angle objective analysis.2 myth,based on two different kinds of Chinese and Western cultural psychology,showing the two kinds of non-painful view of life and values.At the same time,we must also see that the intersection of cultural integration is an inevitable development trend of world culture,you have me,I have you,is the inevitable result of cultural exchanges.

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