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One day,I just woke up in bed,there was grayish skies outside the window,dusk?dawn?when I slept at about 13:00 I was gone 30 hours without sleep,I just got 5 hours' sleep?or I had sleeping for 17 hours?just don't feel like turning.noisy pupil passed by,they were on the way home from school or on the way to school?I heard the sound from the roll-up door,a shop was open,the shop sold breakfast or supper?I dropped into sleep again.
When I woke up again,there was grarish outside the window.
One day,I just woke up in bed,The sky looked a little gray outside of the window,Is it dusk now or dawn?when I slept at about 13:00 I had gone 30 hours without sleep,I have just got 5 hours sleep?or Have I sleeped for 17 hours?I still feel very sleepy and want to sleep more .Children played and laughed outside the window ,walking their way Are they back home or on the way to school?I heard the noise of the iron door opened,Was the little restaurant which sold breakfast or evening cakes begin to do its business?With this kind of thought in my mind .I dropped into sleep again.
When I woke up again,The sky still looked a little gray outside the window

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三人大喜。次日,于园中列下金纸银钱,宰杀乌牛白马,列于地上。三人焚香再拜,而誓曰:“我三人虽为异姓,  2020-12-08 …

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