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假设你是李华,是校英语俱乐部的成员.英语俱乐部下次交流的话题是My hero,请你写一篇英语发言稿
There is a hero in my heart,he is a classmate of mine,named Wang Yue.He was wounded in the childhood accident,cause he can not walk properly,but he has no negative in the face of life,but a positive face life,we do not need sympathy,strong in the face of difficulties.Very hard in learning,achievement is always come out in front.I admire him,he is my role model,I hope we can face the difficulties in life like him.Though he is disabled in the body,but can be better than we do,and he is our hero
my hero is Bill Gates .I admire him because of his intelligence.when he was a college student,he had a talent for computer programming.And that is what changes the world.also,he donates money to the poor ,which means that he is very kind to the people.what I learn from him is to insist on my dream and never give it up
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