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Because of their different origins,the West has a distinct culture,in a world of increasing globalization,the Western understanding of cultural differences,people should understand the content.Table etiquette as an important part of culture,is able to correctly use has the important practical significance.First of all,the people through the table etiquette cultural difference,which can not only prevent the impolite to people,to improve their own qualities,can also promote cultural exchanges between the two countries,bilateral business cooperation can be carried out smoothly,but also can reflect the culture of an enterprise level and management level,have important significance to the exchange.Second,based on the dinner table etiquette comparison,can understand their historical background,cultural tradition,different national psychology,values and moral standard,social relationship,social etiquette and social customs and so on.The analysis on people table manners have different reasons,and for the further study of the humanities and social issues of great significance and contribution.Finally,it has a profound international significance.Not let the Chinese people understand their own long history and good table manners,and can continue to adhere to,carry forward,can let the Americans understand the Chinese culture,so that China's position in the world promotion.On the other hand,the United States as the western countries represented by the United States,Chinese understanding can also learn about other table manners in western countries,the Chinese in the world economic and trade provides great convenience.

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