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From the picture ,we can know that more and more people adandon their parent in the modern society.The picture infore us that all child are reluctant to look after their father.The phenomenon is very uncommon.
There are reasons explain the problem.On the one hand many man think the old man is very heavy burden to their family.On the other hand some people feel that the social pressure are very big in the work.So is that them alway ignore old man.The picture tell us that we necesssive correct treat our parent.
In order to improve the situation,we should find several solution.First ,we owe so much to our parents in that they not gave us life but done so much in bring us up.Second,we have the duty to pay back their love.Therefore,the grovenment should encounter people care ourselves parent.
写得不错. 我没有试图去改你的文章和风格,只是建议修改一些小问题, 如下所列, 仅供参考.parent = parentsinfore = informall child = all childrenreasons explain = reasons to explainmany man = many menthe old ...

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