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It is shnow in the picture that a child is runing the end.From the picture,we can seen that the end not only is finish but asol is other a start.Therefore people should understand that our way is not the end .
There are many reasons explaining the phenomenon.Take the film Gone with the Wind as a typical example.The first reason in that,more and more people lack a continuous battle spirit at morden society.Although many men aspire triumph in the work.The second reason in that,some people is very proud when they got little triumph.
What is geting from the picture?Considering all the reasons,I think that we should take some positve measures.On the one hand,people need to have a continuous progress heart.On the other hand,we ought to clear that succession study is quite important thing at our live.Only in this way,can we achieve greater success.
It is shown in the picture that a child is running tothe end.From the picture,we can see that the end is not only finishing point but also another starting point.Therefore we should understand that we still have a long way to go.
There are many reasons for explaining the phenomenon.Take the film Gone with the Wind as a typical example.The first reason is that more and more people lack the spirit of perseverance in modern society,though they are eager for triumph in work.The second reason is that some people will be very proud when they get a littletriumph.
What should we learn from the picture?Considering all the reasons,I think that we should take some positive measures.On the one hand,people need to be more aggressive.On the other hand,we ought to be clear that succession study is a quite important thing in our live.Only in this way can we achieve greater success.

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