早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.She took the dress back to the shop and ________(换了另外一件).
2.I hate going out alone:I take my daughter_________(作伴).
3.___________(一切照常进行) as though nothing had happened.
4.Do remember to lock doors because robbers often__________(半夜破门而入).
5.__________(叔叔虽然上了年纪),he looks very strong and healthy.
6.A marching army usually_________(扎营) every night.
A:Hi,Lily,you look so happy to day.
B:Hi,Maria,my parents promised me that we would 1._________(旅行) to Qingdao.
A:Oh,it's really a piece of exciting news!
B:Of course.I was 2.__________(如此兴奋以至于睡不着) for the whole night.
A:I've heard that the beach is very beautiful.
B:Yeah.3__________(我迫不及待) to go there.
A:when are you leaving?
B:We 4.__________(动身) on sunday morning this week.
B:By train.It is comfortable and cheap.
A:You should keep a travel journal in which you can describe the beautiful scenrey and interesting things.
B:Thank you for your advice.
A:6._______________(替我向你的父母问候) and good luck on your journey.
B:Thank you.see you.
A:see you.
1.She took the dress back to the shop and 【swapped it for another one】(换了另外一件).
2.I hate going out alone:I take my daughter【for company】(作伴).
3.【Everything went on as usual 】(一切照常进行) as though nothing had happened.
4.Do remember to lock doors because robbers often【breaks in at midnight】(半夜破门而入).
5.【Although my uncle advanced in year】(叔叔虽然上了年纪),he looks very strong and healthy.
6.A marching army usually【encamped in the field】(扎营) every night.
A:Hi,Lily,you look so happy to day.
B:Hi,Maria,my parents promised me that we would 1.【travel】(旅行) to Qingdao.
A:Oh,it's really a piece of exciting news!
B:Of course.I was 2.【so excited that I stay awake】(如此兴奋以至于睡不着) for the whole night.
A:I've heard that the beach is very beautiful.
B:Yeah.3【I can't wait to 】(我迫不及待) to go there.
A:when are you leaving?
B:We 4.【set out 】(动身) on sunday morning this week.
A:5.【How are you going】(你们怎么去)?
B:By train.It is comfortable and cheap.
A:You should keep a travel journal in which you can describe the beautiful scenrey and interesting things.
B:Thank you for your advice.
A:6.【Remember me to your parents】(替我向你的父母问候) and good luck on your journey.
B:Thank you.see you.
A:see you.

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