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亲爱的 帮我把这段也翻翻 感激不尽!
The Chinese are very seriously "eat", "saying" this proverb means that we eat to see as important and days. Because we, as a nation for thousands of years are in the low level of productivity, people always do not have enough to eat, so would have a unique eat to see than all the food culture, I think, this is probably from a survival needs it. If a cultural ate as primary, so will appear two phenomena: on one hand will put the food function to acme, not only survive, also use it to maintain a healthy, this also is the "diet cures more than the doctor" cultural basis; On the other hand, the excessive attention to eat, can make the person praise highly of delicious pursuit. In China, the cookery pursuit of delicious reached almost acme, Chinese food notice food color, aroma, taste and shape, meaning that Chinese with living overseas to open a restaurant, with land for an inheritance, become our living in the world the fundamental! Unfortunately, when we put the pursuit of delicious as the first requirement, we are neglecting food most fundamental nutrition value, a lot of our traditional foods are through hot Fried and long time Tun boil, cover the dish nutrients to sabotage, many nutrients are loss in the machining process. Therefore say to nutrition, actually gets to the biggest weakness of China's food culture. Folk have a saying "saying, food to taste a priority".

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用一句话来概括以下一则材料中你所受到的启迪。猫头鹰的样子不招人喜欢,叫声凄厉,被人视作“不祥鸟”,  2020-05-14 …

猫头鹰的样子不招人喜欢,叫声凄厉,被人视作“不祥鸟”,然而它是益鸟;蝴蝶艳丽多姿,翩翩起舞,招人喜  2020-05-14 …

用一句话概括从下列材料中得到的启迪。猫头鹰的样子不招人喜欢,叫声凄厉,被人视作“不祥鸟”,然而它是  2020-05-14 …

用一句话来概括从下则材料中得到的启迪。猫头鹰的样子不招人喜欢,叫声凄厉,被人视作“不祥鸟”,然而它  2020-05-14 …

用一句话概括从下面材料中得到的启示.猫头鹰的样子不招人喜欢,叫声凄厉,背人视作''不祥鸟",让么人  2020-06-19 …

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