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急求有关For every minute you remain angry,you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.的英语短文要有寓意,要短小点,一分钟左右的吧,不要重复的.要翻译耶。

急求有关For every minute you remain angry,you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.的英语短文
for every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness...
im still a bit pissed-off from finding out more thief (there were 7 of them that i found yesterday) that have stolen my pictures from flickr and posting them in their photobucket site...ARGHH!>:(
yes i know this happens a lot in this world wide web we called the internet,no matter how much we try to prevent it and try to educate people about it.some people just have no qualms about stealing and maybe have no guilty conscience in their body.blech!shame on you!
I have reported the copyright infringement and emailed photobucket about them.so Im trying to get over this,but so far everytime i think about it i get pissed-off again...
Im started to think about not sharing my work in public here so much anymore.might go to F+F again.so yeah,needless to say that i have been loosing a lot more than just sixty seconds of happiness since i found out =(
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