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someone thinks the happiness is to enjoy fashion dress and hi-tech products, someone thinks the happiness is to do things they are willing to do, and someone thinks the happiness is to have a good performance,get praised and to have the sense of achievement.
everyone has a different viewpoints on the happiness, that's based on their backgrounds and requirements. no need to judge anyone by their viewpoints,but what i think is, the happiness is to have the freedom to talk, to communicate with everyone.
i have a dream, one day, when i post articles on the website, no one comes to me to ask me who am i, where am i from , why do i do this...
i have a dream, one day, the people from east and the people from the west can log on a website without censoring,but no one ask them why...
i have a dream, one day, everyone from different social ranks can get together to talk, they can talk anything, from the study,research to security and defense...

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初三物理“热能”的某些问题热量、温度、比热容三个个概念很容易混淆,请求作高手指点,或者帮忙在网上查  2020-06-29 …

星巴克亲友邀请券如果当我一个人去用的时候,能不能点一杯之后等喝完后再去点送的另一杯外卖拿走?还是两  2020-06-30 …

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我是初三学生因初一初二没好好学,我的英语150的卷只能考90,每天我可以花3个小时学请帮我制定以下方  2020-11-03 …

英语翻译1:请给我一份报价单,用词简单点,最好有图片.2:请邮寄时不要填写实际价格,尽量写低一点.3  2020-11-04 …

北京时间上午八点整时东京时间是上午七点,请问东京时间比北京早一个小时这句话说法对吗?再请问东京时间比  2020-12-01 …