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Affect stock price factor Affect stock price changes by many factors, but basically can is divided into the following categories: market internal factors, fundamental factors, policy factors. (1) the market internal factors, it mainly refers to the market supply and demand, namely financing area and the relative proportion chips, such as certain stages of the stock market expansion rhythm will become the factors important parts. (2) fundamental factors include macroeconomic factors and internal factors, macroeconomic factors that can influence the market is mainly in stock prices of factors, including economic growth, economic cycle, rates, budgetary revenues and expenditures, money supply, price, international payments and so on, our company internal factors mainly refers to the financial position of the company. (3) policy factor is enough to affect stock price changes of important domestic and international activities and government policies, measures and laws to major events, the government's social and economic development plan, economic policy changes, the newly issued decrees and regulations etc all can affect stock price changes

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