早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


因为时间紧迫 我写不了了...请各位大侠相助
要原创啊 一定要原创啊 谢谢了
学生A与学生B 一个简单点 一个稍微复杂点就行了 不要太难啊~~
第一题: Further Education
Situation: Students A and B are college seniors. They are discussing their future plans for further education after graduation.
Student A: You’re planning to continue your education as a graduate student. You think that the more education you get the more chances you will have to find a better job with a higher salary.
Student B: You’ve decided to fins a job first and then join some training programs while working. You believe that experience and practical skills are more important than book knowledge.
第二题: Computer Software Piracy
Situation: Two students are discussing computer software piracy
Student A: You are a computer fan. Your idea is that if you can get the same thing, though a fake article for less money, why not?
Student B: You are against any illegal production of any pirated goods, believing that this practice will hurt law-abiding companies and that it will lead to an unhealthy economy.
最后再问一下 其实我没看题(也有好多单词不懂 囧) 是直接把题目复制过来的 能告诉我一下题目大意吗.........
闲来无事 刚刚才在空间管理中 看到你的动态这个问题还没人回答啊 第二题你好像问过了第一段A:Long time no see, how have you been?B:Very well thanksA:We will graduate in two years time, have you got...

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