早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.He preferred _________ (stay) at home to ________ (go) out.
2.I prefer _______ (walk) rather than _______ (travel) by car.
3.The old house was dark and __________ (life).It looked scary.
4.In winter,animals like staying together for ________ (warm).
5.Stop _______ (pollute) the river,or we won’t have clean water to drink.
6.These years _______ (flood) often take place because of the greenhouse effect.
7.If we continue damaging the earth,the environment will become even ____ (bad).
8.The _________ down of trees is making the greenhouse effect worse.(cut)
9.He got up very early this morning and _________ the first bus.(catch)
10.It lets sunlight in and keeps much of the _________ from getting out.(warm )
11.Because of _________,too much heat is kept in Earth.(pollute)
1.He preferred _staying________ (stay) at home to __going______ (go) out.
2.I prefer __to walk____ (walk) rather than __travel___ (travel) by car.
3.The old house was dark and __lifeless_______ (life).It looked scary.
4.In winter,animals like staying together for ___warmth____ (warm).
5.Stop _pilluting__(pollute) the river,or we won’t have clean water to drink.
6.These years _floods_(flood) often take place because of the greenhouse effect.
7.If we continue damaging the earth,the environment will become even __worse__ (bad).
8.The _cutting_ down of trees is making the greenhouse effect worse.(cut)
9.He got up very early this morning and __caught__ the first bus.(catch)
10.It lets sunlight in and keeps much of the __warmth_ from getting out.(warm )
11.Because of _pollution________,too much heat is kept in Earth.(pollute)
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