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现象 家长小时候 懂礼貌 尊重别人 现在小孩子不乐于助人 不尊重别人 崇尚自由 原因1.互联网及电视节目中不良信息影响2.家长老师过分关注学生成绩,忽略对学生习惯的培养 建议 ( 提出至少两点建议) 150词数左右,
nowadays, children are getting more and more impolite. when our mothers and
fathers were littel children, they were really polite that they respected
each other. however, children in modern society are not that good.
there are two reasons for that phenomenon. firstly, children are getting
unhealthy information from the internet and TV shows. secondly, modern
parents and teachers put too much attention on children's study that they
ignored the healty development of children's good moral quality.
there are something we can do to solve this ploblem. first of all, the
goverment should take measures to make the internet and TV shows more healthy
for children. at the same time, parents and teachers should spend more time
on helping their children developing a good habit, teach them why they need
to respect the others and how they can show their respect to the others.
children are the future of the country. society must pay more attention on
both their physical and mental healthy.

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