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Is it necessary for freshmen to have a laptop when they go to university? Different people have different ideas. Some think it is necessary, and others think not.
The supporters think that children deserve a laptop as an award for their great efforts and achievements. In addition, having a laptop in hand would bring more convenience to their studies and easier access to the Internet, which will in turn absolutely benefit them.
The opponents believe it would add to the financial burden of some families. Besides, many universities are equipped with modern facilities, providing students with adequate computers for use.
As far as I am concerned, it is not necessary to buy a laptop for freshmen. The reason for this is that they can freely have access to the computers in universities. what’s worse, they may be addicted to computer games because of lack of the ability to control themselves, which will have bad effects on their study and health.
(As far as I am concerned, it is acceptable to buy a laptop for freshmen if their families can afford to buy one. The reason is that they must keep up with the development of science and technology by getting rich knowledge from the Internet. Only in this way can they have a place in the future world.)

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