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Passage 4 (2015 镇江,C) 

      It is believed in some ways that the daughter is the fathers lover.But my experience has taught me in a different way. For a long time my father has been a very vague figure (模糊白勺形象) to me.He was a man of few words tall but slim and nothing else.

      When I was in primary school my father was never there to pick me up and he never came to any of my parent-teacher meetings.He was always busy doing projects. I remember when I was in middle school and my head was badly hurt in a PE class. During my opera?tion my father was nowhere to be found. This hurt me most. At that moment I considered my father as a cold-blooded man who did not care about me at all.

      But things seemed different at my high school graduation cere?mony where I was chosen to represent my class and give a speech. My father once again told me he had a business trip in a place out- side the city and would be unable to show up (露面) .“ Don’t come.I will be very nervous if I see youI told him.

      I remember my speech went smoothly.After the ceremony was o- ver and I was about to leave.I suddenly noticed a familiar (熟悉的) looking man sitting in a corner of the hall.It was my father!I was so surprised that I rushed to him with tears (眼泪) running down my face“ Well done ”,he said.His eyes were also filled with tears.

      Later I found out that my father had managed to finish his work by staying up late and he drove for eight hours to get back.He had been sitting in the corner because he didn't want me to see him. My father remembered every word in my speech.

     For much of my life I described my father as a cold-blooded man who only cared about his work.But when I thought deeply about this it was obviously (明显地) not true. At my graduation ceremony I could feel my father's deep love. The fact is that seeing is not believing and seeing may not be the fact if we don't perceive (感知) the world with our hearts and minds.There's no doubt that life doesn’t lack (缺少) love but sometimes our eyes have trouble seeing it.

1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. The writer's father was in the hospital during her operation.

  B. The writer's father attended her high school graduation ceremo- ny.

  C. The writers father sometimes picked her up when she was in pri?mary school.

  D. The writers father went to parent-teacher meetings when she was in primary school.

2. The writer rushed to her father with tears running down her face mainly because  .

  A. she gave a speech successfully 

  B. the graduation ceremony was over 

  C. she was so nervous that she couldn't help crying 

  D. she was touched to find her father cared about her 5. 3. What does the underlined word^this^in the last paragraph refer to (指代) ?

  A. That my father was always doing projects.

  B. That my father was a cold-blooded man.

  C. That my father sat in the corner of the hall.

  D. That my fathers eyes were filled with tears.

4. What s the best title of the passage?

   A. My busy father   B. Life is full of love

   C. Seeing is not believing   D. A wonderful speech

1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C

Passage 4

[语篇解读]这是一篇记叙文。“我”从父亲设法参加“我”的高中毕 业典礼的事中,感受到了父亲深深的爱,并懂得了我们要用心去感受 生活中的爱。

1. B 细节理解题。由第四段中的“I suddenly noticed a familiar looking man sitting in a comer of the hall. It was my father!” 可知,作者的父亲 参加了她的高中毕业典礼。故选B.

2. D推理判断题。由上下文内容可推知作者流着泪冲向父亲是因为 作者发现父亲是关心自己的而被感动了。故选D.

3. B 词义猜测题。由 For much of my life I described my father as a cold-blooded man who only cared about his work.可知 this 是指“我”父亲是一个冷血的人。故选B.

4. C主旨大意题。根据最后一段倒数第一、二句话可知选C.


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